Gustav Mahler’s Tenth Symphony is about death, and acceptance. It released me from the memory of a day at Auschwitz.
I spent a day at Auschwitz-Birkenau, then returned to my wife’s family home in Luxembourg, thinking I would move on. But I couldn’t move on, because I couldn’t stop thinking about the hooks. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop thinking about the hooks, and the moment they knew.
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Are they beautiful because they're conservative, or conservative because they're beautiful?
CPAC is an annual gathering of high-school and college conservatives--and the young women are noticeably attractive, animated and stylish. What's going on? Why this concentration of the kinds of girls all the high school quarterbacks want to date? An exploration...
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Grab a piece of paper and make a hash mark every time you hear a progressive make a beeline for one of the Four Big Slurs rather than acknowledge a legitimate counter-position.
Look for it: When confronted with Republican ideas (or, for that matter, Republicans) Democrats’ go-to stance is always to assert, directly or by implication, that those ideas and persons are and should be deemed noxious and disqualified on the basis of four factors, the Four Big Slurs. All of them go to Republicans’ fundamentally odiferous and unenlightened character.
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See if you can spot the difference between these two sentences: I didn’t do it. There’s no evidence I did it.
Now Google this: Hillary no evidence. Notice anything?
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Did you hear the one about how Ann Coulter got destroyed the other night at the Rob Lowe Roast on Comedy Central?
Well, maybe. I’ll provide a verbatim transcript and you can decide for yourself…
The Dogs Bark, The Caravan Moves On....
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Yes, Bernie Supporters, We've Been There, Where You Are.
And We've Been There For A Long Time...
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It's a little like watching cricket: Nobody knows what's going on, but they're doing it with a lot of energy... read more at The American Thinker
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It is unclear just when the cosseted, self-referential cohort of Hollywood elite began to believe themselves to be the most compassionate, enlightened people who have ever lived…Here’s why it’s hurting everybody.
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The question isn’t whether agents have the right to hold opinions, or whether they can set their biases aside, it’s whether they have a special duty to avoid forming biases in the first place…
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Trump’s attacks on “fake news” might be saving the press, not hurting it…
Just as you can be against for immigration but against illegal immigration, you can be for the free press but against “fake news”.
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What if the Parkland students were not on your team? What if, rather than advocating in favor of something you passionately agree with, they were advocating in favor of something you passionately disagree with? A thought experiment…
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Net "neutrality" is the exact opposite. It's the worst thing that could happen to the internet.
If you are in favor of net neutrality because you detest Comcast, you are being played, just as John Oliver, the latest adorable enfant terrible of Comedy Central and HBO, is being played.
They want you to think net neutrality is a good thing. It's not. Here's why.
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The only character issues most voters care about are the ones associated with the candidates they have no intention of voting for.
With candidates they support, not so much.
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Is he really going to deport 12 million people--or is it a negotiating bluff?
Donald Trump has no more idea how he's going to deport twelve million people than John Kennedy knew how he was going to put a manned spacecraft on the moon.
What's he up to?
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How Media Bias Works 101, as demostrated by Brian Williams of NBC
To those who don't share his worldview, Brian Williams of NBC had long been considered one of the most biased, partisan, agenda-driven and therefore fundamentally dishonest of the mainstream broadcasters. He dealt with revelations that he had lied on his resume in ways identical to the ones he used to craft a news presentation that supported and sometimes promoted his own partisan worldview, while disguising itself as an objective newscast. Here's how he and others do it.
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